Offcanvas Section

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When it comes to drinking water for home, there are many reasons that cause adults and children not not to drink enough water and replace it with soft drink or high sugar juices instead.

These reasons can be, the water doesn't taste fresh or has a funny taste, people buying tap filter's or filtered jugs and still not satisfied with the taste, Jugs of water forgetting to be re-filled, or people going to the supermarket and looking to buy a pack of bottled water but instead are turned off at the thought of having to carry it back to your car or on public transport with all your other shopping.

The truth of the matter is that having water to drink at home doesn't have to be that difficult, expensive or come from a tap. Let's look at some facts to help you make an informed decision that is best for you and your family.

Plain tap water: It's easy. It's convenient and it comes right out of your kitchen tap. However, as I'm sure you've heard, most tap water is contaminated with a host of pollutants that our bodies don't need and can increase our risk of serious health problems. In most cases, these contaminates are what causes people to turn to soft drinks and sugared juices.

Tap Filters: Although tap filters are healthier than straight tap water, however there are considerations to be taken into account when contemplating a filter because not all filters are the same or do the same job. For example some filters don't remove all the added chemicals in supplied town water, some filters "soften" the water or exchange natural mineral ions, some need to be installed by a plumber and others only block the chemicals, which after some time the water creates pathways through the blocked carbon material, escaping filtering.

Filtered Water Jug: In a busy house it is all to easy to forget to refill the jug or to not have enough ready to go round when the kids come in hot and thirsty.

Plastic Bottles: Recent research has found that some bottled water is just bottled tap water, which may or may not have received additional filtration. Apart from that some bottles contain a chemical called bisphenol A or BPA, which is a synthetic hormone disruptor that has been linked to serious health problems such as:

  • Learning and behavioral problems
  • Altered immune system function
  • Prostate and breast cancer
  • Risk of obesity
  • Early puberty in both genders

Aside from the health risks, the devastating impact bottled water has had on our ecosystem is staggering!

Spring Water: Pure spring water is one of the healthiest water available because it is "living, breathing water" in its raw, natural state, the way nature intended.

Health Benefits of Spring Water

Here are only a few of the many health benefits you and your family will enjoy once you make the switch to our pure water:

  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Properly digest food and absorb nutrients from food
  • Have healthy, glowing skin
  • Decrease muscle and joint inflammation
  • Have better circulation
  • Detoxify your body naturally

Taking It All In

Now that you are more informed, consider replacing your drinking water for home with Mangrove Mountain Spring Water because:

  • Our water is natural, pure spring water direct from the source. There are no added chemicals and additives in our water, just the natural minerals and elements that are produced by Mother Nature at the source.
  • Our water goes through a natural filtering process to remove any sediments such as sand, etc found at the source and comes out pure, natural, fresh tasting and delicious.
  • Our bottles made by us, they are BPA free, made for single use only, made of high grade P.E.T. and fully recyclable.
  • We do not wash nor re-fill our bottles.
  • The water is conveniently delivered to your door, fresh and tasty, no carrying packs of bottled water from the supermarket.
  • It's affordable, you are buying direct from the supplier.
  • We value our customers and know all of them by name, not by number.
  • We are Australian Owned and Operated.
  • We are flexible to meet your requirements.
  • We have a a range of bottled water sizes to suit your needs
  • Our water coolers give you a choice of cold water or room temperature water, which also makes them safe for children of any age to use.
  • We also offer a convenient, attractively designed, space saving ceramic pot dispenser or bench top water cooler, for small places.